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Both Sides of Neve Yair

When I'm Not Playing Basketball

I am very extroverted, and although I often practices and workout, I always make time for family and friends. Friens are really imortant to me, weather I am going on a 30 min train ride to go hang out, or facetime someone just to talk for an hour or two, I am always in contact with people. I talk to my really close friends every day miltiple times a day and family as well. I find staying in contact with people very important so they are in your everyday life and if not physically, virtually and mentally. Also, I love my friends and family so I want to know whats going on in their lives daily and it makes out relationship stronger.

Words to Describe Neve Yair All Around

  1. Competetive
  2. Half Hearted
  3. Passionate
  4. Outgoing
  5. Apathetic
  6. Dedicated
  7. Intelligent
  8. Giving Up
  9. Goal Oriented
  10. Irresponsible
  11. Responsible
  12. Late
  13. On Time